
Ellen with vegetables


My Autumn Cleanse Begins October 21st. This is a 7 Day Cleanse with an Early Bird Discount that is good thru October 11th. READ MORE HERE

"This is the best nutritional program I've seen in the 22 years I've been exploring nutrition for my health."
- Matthew Cox

Wisdom of the Body, Wisdom of Nature begins October 20th, 2024!

Registration is now open for my upcoming 6 Week Course: Wisdom of the Body, Wisdom of Nature!

Join us to:

  1. Stop inadvertently draining and depleting your energy
  2. Learn to trust your body
  3. Engage your innate wisdom (instinct, intuition, inner voice)
  4. Experience greater freedom, compassion, and fulfillment.
  5. Gain fuel, essential resources, and direction for your life’s path
  6. Delete sabotage patterns and blossom in relationship with yourself and nature
  7. Awaken your creativity and passion for life

Spaces are limited, so registering early is recommended.

In addition to my Seasonal Cleanses, I offer a variety of nutritional and healing services, depending on interest.

I now offer GUT BIOME TESTING with the highest precision gut microbiome analysis technology on the market, through Microbiome Labs. To read more about microbiome testing, please READ HERE. To work with me on gut biome testing/analysis, please reach out directly ON EMAIL for the link to order the test and to begin the process. To access Microbiome Labs supplements, please CLICK HERE to set up an account.

I look forward to getting to know you, and to supporting you in gaining optimal wellness - mind, body and spirit!

My most popular private mentorship program is my Evolutionary Wellness Mentorship Program, where we can focus on purely nutrition and physical health related healing support, or we can branch out into deeper support with an energetic clearing technique I offer, and/or also delve into the nature healing practices I teach and share with clients and students worldwide. Please keep reading for more about my background and expertise in these various healing modalities.

Healthy eating changes everything!

Are you?

My passion is helping my clients experience optimal health. No matter what conditions you may have, I can work with you to understand and alleviate them. Contact me now to get started. Email: ellen_kittredge(at)yahoo(dot)com

Food is Medicine

Food is medicine. It's really as simple as that. Finding the right foods that work for your body along with making small lifestyle adjustments, can do wonders for your health and vitality, and truly put your life back in your own hands.

Berries and mint in a bowl

I have a passion for what I do, which translates into positive results for my clients. Please read on for more information about my program offerings and what you can expect from working with me. I can guarantee you will look and feel differently due to the work we will do together. Please scroll all the way to the bottom to read some testimonials.

I believe that support is the key to success. As a counselor I will fully support you in your quest for better health. I will:

Scheduling an Appointment

Appointments are available via phone or Zoom (video) conferencing. I offer individualized personal support for health and wellness, with a specific focus in nutritional counseling and energetic clearing techniques which support each client in releasing the blocks that are limiting them from moving forward to create their best health.

Spa Salts

Please contact me for rates and to schedule your first consult. Email me at: ellen_kittredge(at)yahoo(dot)com

While I am available for one-off hour-long private nutrition consults and can offer much guidance in a wide range of areas of health and wellness in just one hour, most clients choose to work with me in my Evolutionary Wellness Mentorship Program.

Over the last couple years this has become my most popular program. If you feel this may be a good fit for you, please contact me HERE to schedule an hour-long introductory consult.

Evolutionary Wellness Mentorship Program

The Evolutionary Wellness Mentorship Program is designed to support you in realizing the next level of your health and wellness. It's an "Intensive", in that we meet once a week or once every other week, and each session will be focused on supporting the clearing of blocks, limitations and places where you are stuck in your ability to move forward.

It requires commitment and dedication on the part of the client (you) coming from a true desire to live at your fullest expression of Wellness.

This program is designed for the person who is truly ready to heal, and requires a minimum commitment of 3 months of once-a-week or once-every-other week hour-long sessions.

There will be the option to sign up for either 3 months or 6 months of support initially, and if you sign up for 3 months initially, you can always extend to another 3 months later if you would like.

We will ideally schedule a consistent weekly or bi-weekly time for these sessions to support you in your commitment to your healing, and so that you can prepare for the work each week at a consistent day/time, as part of embodying a commitment to your health and wellness as a priority in your life.

I am committed to your success and will be bringing out every tool I have in my toolkit to support you in your evolution.

The sessions will be a combination of:

  1. Nutritional recommendations/support/ guidance.
  2. Energy clearing sessions to remove the blocks that we identify together are in the way of your success.
  3. Spiritual and nature-based guidance/direction.

The sessions will happen on video-conferencing/Zoom, or over the phone. Upon joining you will be supported and held in your healing process during the whole time we are working together, not just in the weekly or bi-weekly sessions, as I will provide any extra guidance that is needed between sessions over email at no additional cost.

Speaking of cost, the program is offered at a very affordable rate. Please contact me for those details at ellen_kittredge(at)yahoo(dot)com.

This Mentorship Program is different than anything that I have offered before in that I am specifically calling in people who are interested in having breakthroughs in not only their physical health, but are actually committed to evolving their overall consciousness to a place of true balance - mind, body, spirit. This program is for the client who truly desires to live life from a place of full trust, joy, embodiment and purpose.

This Program is designed for those who are ready to be sovereign in their life and align with their higher self/highest truth. There is no time like the present to wake up to the fullness of who we are and create the life we want to be living, and I am so excited to support you if you feel called to step onto this pathway at this time in your life.

The imagery of evolution I have been working with for this program is that of the butterfly emerging from the cocoon.

"A butterfly must struggle to break out of its cocoon. But the struggle to emerge from the cocoon forces the fluid from the butterfly's body into its wings - a necessary process for enabling it to fly."

- Charles C. Manz

A hand-drawn image of a cocoon hanging from a branch. A woman is beginning to emerge from the cocoon. Text overlays the image: Nobody every talks about this part...You know, the part where you're no longer a catepillar and not yet a butterfly. You don't know who you are and you don't know where you're going. All you know is that every fiber of your being is calling for a transformation. For disruption. For a revolution of the spirit. So surrender. Breakdown. This is not the death of *you*. This is the dying of who you once were. This is your rebirth, darling. And these are called 'growing pains'.

Another way of saying this is:
No Pressure ..... No Diamond
No Irritation .... No Pearl
No Struggle .... No Butterfly
No Endurance .... No Success

If you are ready to press into and up against the places in your life that are catalyzing your Evolution, this program is for you. It will provide the breakthroughs that will support your emergence into the life you already know is waiting for you on the other side of your "cocoon".


I received my training as a Nutrition and Health Counselor from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition/Columbia University. I am certified to practice through the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. I was trained in over one hundred dietary theories and studied a variety of practical lifestyle coaching methods. Drawing on this knowledge, I will help you create a completely personalized “roadmap to health” that suits your unique body, lifestyle, preferences, and goals.

A photograph of Ellen Kittredge

I have long had a fascination with health and nutrition, developed during my earliest years growing up on an organic family farm in rural Massachusetts. I grew up at a time when an understanding of the benefits of eating locally grown, organic food had not yet reached the mainstream.

My interest in understanding why my parents made the lifestyle choices they did, grew and developed as I grew older. During my undergraduate education at Oberlin College I had the good fortune to learn from and train with a number of different holistic health-care practitioners.

Post-college I worked for a national non-profit, the Center for Food Safety, as the Outreach Director. In this position I was responsible for educating about the health and environmental harms caused by conventional agriculture, factory farming, genetically modified organisms, irradiation, and a host of other issues tied to our current destructive industrial agriculture policies. This education gave me a very broad perspective on the health crisis in this country today as I was able to draw direct links between harmful food production technologies and the rise in food-related chronic diseases such as obesity, heart disease and cancer.

I left this job to more directly pursue my passion for good health and nutrition by working as a Clinical Assistant for a Holistic Medical Doctor, Dr. Bruce Rind, based in Washington, DC. Under Dr. Rind's tutelage I gained considerable hands-on experience in working with alernative methods of treating common medical disorders.

This knowledge base, combined with my education from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition/Columbia University, has given me the tools to be an effective Nutrition and Health Counselor. Additionally, my work at the Village Green Apothecary (Bethesda, MD) has deepened my knowledge of the highest quality supplements and therapeutic or "functional" foods available today, which has allowed me to enhance the dietary recommendations I make to my clients.

While I have learned a considerable amount from a life-time of hands-on exploration of holistic health modalities, I must say that what has perhaps been my most important training-ground has not been in school or in work, but in life. I spent two and half years as a caregiver for my husband as he struggled to battle leukemia, and that experience, more than any other, gave me a very real understanding of the significant impact chronic illness can have on not only the physical body, but also the psyche. This life experience both deepened my compassion and gave me a strong desire to help alleviate the suffering of others.

I love to learn and will surely be taking "continuing education" courses my entire career. Recent trainings and certifications that have enhanced my ability to provide great results to my clients include:

  1. The Quick Pulse Energy Release Technique(TM) and the Advanced Pulse Energy Clearing Technique(TM)
  2. The Institute for the Psychology of Eating's course in Dynamic Eating Psychology and Mind Body Nutrition
  3. National Integrative Health Associates course in The Art and Science of Detoxification for Life.
  4. Full Body Systems Functional Nutrition Training Program

As a health-care professional, I find great joy in sharing what I have learned with my clients. I look forward to helping you overcome your specific health concerns and guiding you to enact the positive changes that will allow you to start living your life fully - at 100% - once again.


"Before working with Ellen I didn't even realize what was wrong with me. I was highly stressed, constantly fatigued, depressed, anxious, irritable, eating unhealthy, and having chronic yeast infections. Ellen pointed out some conditions I had that were impacting all of these areas, which I was unaware of. She helped me understand how to take control of these symptoms through stress management, increased nutrition in my diet, supplements, and lifestyle changes.

After completing her program, I have seen significant results. I have lost weight, decreased my stress level, improved my diet, and have gained control over my yeast infections, which have dramatically reduced. I feel happier, healthier, and have a greater understanding of how to stay on this path with limited to no outside support.

Ellen's constant support, encouragement and advice have made all the difference."

- C.W. Brooklyn, NY

"Ellen is a good person. She has a good heart. The relevance is these attributes enable her to care about others. When you hire someone, you want them care about what they are doing for you.

She is effective because she also cares about her profession (I think of her as a health consultant), works hard at it and is able to impart her knowledge in a way that best meets the needs of the individual.

I have lost 40 pounds and am living a healthier life style. And that is exactly what I paid her to do in the first place."

- Earl Bradford, Virginia

"I appreciate Ellen’s ability to zero in on acute issues and arrange our meeting times to deal with what she knows to be most important. I complained of my knee pain casually, but Ellen did not take a casual attitude. She listened carefully to all that I said and made accurate, quick assessments. Her suggestions for managing my knee pain worked so fast I could hardly believe it!

As a middle-aged average weight person I was struggling to climb one flight of stairs and had a recommendation for surgery. Through dietary changes I am pain free and agile again. I feel remarkably grateful and so happy the day I met Ellen!"

- Donna McCoy, RN

"Ellen Kittredge is a gifted healer. Her range of knowledge about nutrition is formidable and her method of presentation and engagement is convincing. She has helped me find a way to solve a health problem that had plagued me for years. I will be forever grateful."

- Anne Carman, Annapolis, Maryland

"Ellen has been an amazing resource in my journey to better health. I had no idea what to expect when I came to her, but I was pleasantly surprised. The knowledge she has shared with me has been an absolute blessing. I have begun to lose weight and the headaches I frequently get have dissipated. Of all the nutrition counselors I could have ended up with, I am so grateful to have found her."

- Christina Oliver, Maryland

Group Programs - Seasonal Cleanses

Over the last 13 years I have taken thousands through my Seasonal Food Based Cleanses These Cleanses are a life changing experience, and many people repeat the Cleanse again and again because they learn so many new things each time.

A graphic titled 'Nutritional Rebalancing is not a Diet' that describes the difference between Nutritional Rebalancing and dieting

For more about my Seasonal Cleanses, READ MORE HERE.

My popular Seasonal Cleanses offer detoxification for the body, and renewal for the soul! The changes you experience will forever shift the way you look at food and your body. Its gifts include positive changes in body shape and weight, and frequently, an end to chronic health concerns.

A photograph of a green smoothie in a glass with a green apple and kale

This Cleanse is a 21-Day healing experience with lifelong benefits. You might want to consider joining in for my next Cleanse if you find yourself saying YES to any of the questions.

Would you like to:

My seasonal Cleanses are easy, gentle, and provide amazing results in just three weeks of clean eating.

Cleanse Testimonials

"This is the best nutritional program I've seen in the 22 years I've been exploring nutrition for my health."

- Matthew Cox

"Starting out the New Year with Ellen’s cleanse was nothing less than life changing.  Wanting to change my eating habits for quite some time, Ellen gave me the tools and inspiration to discover wonderful new foods.

Rather than feeling deprived of food, I was introduced to a new world of whole, healthy, delicious food that truly nourishes.  As a result, every time I cook a meal or grab a healthy snack, I think ’this is that way I want to eat’."

- Stacy O.

"My first cleanse was an amazing, expansive experience! I'm grateful for the results I received on multiple levels - spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically.

Spiritually, I continue to let go to progressively deeper levels, be in flow with the universe, open to more and more love, and embrace abundance.

Emotionally, I experienced significantly decreased anxiety and depression and re-framed old thought patterns to better serve me.

Mentally, my concentration is solid, my focus is sharp, and I have clarity about exactly what actions I need to take.

Examples of physical benefits include significantly increased energy, a lightness of being, removal of energy blocks in my body, elimination of inflammation, weight loss, changed body shape, increased sexual drive on top of an already incredible sexual drive, heightened sensory awareness, elimination of pre-menstrual symptoms, improved sleep, and glowing skin."

- Erica

"Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? I’ve been practicing healthy eating and living most of my adult life and thought I knew a lot. I’ve been blessed with good health overall, although I have had mild depression on and off through the years. When I reached my almost mid-60s, I began feeling tired, having low energy, experiencing foggy thinking and forgetting more than I was comfortable with. I chalked it up to age, overwork and stress. But then as synchronicity would have it, I watched “Fat and Sick,” a movie about getting healthy from the inside out, and saw a posting on Facebook about Ellen’s cleanse.

It was a new year and I was looking for an adventure, so I signed up. Ellen’s cleanse was life-enhancing, to say the least. It was way easier than I thought it would be to go 3 weeks without sugar, dairy, caffeine and alcohol, and the results were amazing. I feel much more energetic, clear, focused and . . . happy! My mood has been uplifted! I also lost about half of my “spare tire,” which makes me very happy.

I’ve been transformed from a died-in-the-wool skeptic to a superfoods convert. My husband (who also took the cleanse) and I just joined our local co-op where we can get wonderful, organic, largely locally grown foods and nutritional supplements. We’re reading labels a lot more and continuing to educate ourselves on foods that are healthy for us and the planet.

I gained so much through the cleanse, such as: an understanding of how our bodies reflect the fuel we feed it, knowledge of just what is healthy eating, clarity around what I can do to make myself feel good, a strengthened bond with my husband gained through sharing this experience, and a sense of community through Ellen’s forum and phone calls. The cleanse turned out to be a grand adventure after all, one that was good for my body, mind and soul.
I would recommend it to anyone and everyone!"

- S. Rosenberg