7 Day Cleanse

7 Day Cleanse

My 7 Day Spring Rejuvenation Cleanse begins Monday, April 7th. Pre-cleanse supports begins April 3rd and completes 3 days after the Cleanse ends, on April 16th, so you'll be in a container of support for 2 full weeks. I can't wait to share this gentle yet transformative healing space with you. Please keep reading for all the details!

- Ellen


This is a 7-Day Whole Foods Detox/Cleanse designed to help you feel better, have more energy, and get rid of nagging inflammation/bloat/heaviness. This will all happen without giving up real food, having to do calorie counting or anything else that is restrictive. We just eat real food in a supportive container for 7 days, and celebrate the transformation together!

Register by March 28th to save with the Early Bird Discount

Save even more by registering with a friend

Ellen Kittredge's 7 Day Cleanse was the most outstanding and comprehensive cleanse program that I've ever participated in. Ellen gives you all the necessary and valuable information you need to get started including shopping lists, quick tips, guidelines, suggested recipes and excellent, nutritious recipes that anyone can prepare! This program is about real food not just about drinking liquids only. There is even a guide on eating out which will help you make good food choices. I would highly recommend this Cleanse to anyone who is looking to start a healthy lifestyle change in their eating habits! Well done Ellen!

- Angela Migliore

At each seasonal change we have the opportunity to check in and re-assess how we’re doing with our health goals.

Did you know that the body actually goes through a natural cleanse/shift with every seasonal change?

Doing a supported gentle detox in the Spring is a great choice on all levels for the body, mind and spirit, and especially as our bodies naturally move into a deeper cleansing process each Spring.

There is SO much I want to share about the ins and outs of spring cleansing, that I'm offering a free call to take a deeper dive into this topic. Please join me for the Free Presentation on Sunday, March 23rd at 4pm EST. Spring Detox MasterClass: Deep Dive Cleansing Strategies (click to register for the live call or to catch the replay)

Are you experiencing any of the following?

If so, it might be time for a gentle whole foods detox! Even when we eat a generally healthy diet, we’re still exposed to toxins in our environment all the time. Those hitch-hiking chemicals can really put a kink in the system!


This program is perfect for you if you’ve never detoxed before, or if you’re an old hat!

For those familiar with my 21 day Cleanses, this will be a different program, but will be just as effective at getting you back on track. This is only 7 days long, but with pre and post-Cleanse support, you’ll be in a supportive container for 14 days total, and you can always extend your Cleanse if you wish to!

You can expect all brand new recipes you’ve never seen before, and the support to happen via several live Zoom calls (which will also be recorded), daily emails, and engagement amongst the group of cleansers!

Ellen Kittredge is a treasure! Her vast knowledge of nutrition, spirituality, energetics and staying balanced on this planet is expressed exquisitely through her cleanse programs. I recently completed the 7 day cleanse (however, I decided to extend it into my daily living for a while) and I have found That the more I join her for her seasonal cleanse programs (this was my 4th time) the easier it is to step into this field of deep self-care. Also, from one cleanse to the next there are things I adopt into my regular routine that make me feel better, more grounded, and healthier. I am super grateful for her assistance, insight & dedication of her service.

- Jnana Gowan, Shamanic Hypnosis & healing arts practitioner

This 7-Day Detox will work because:


Now here’s the million dollar question. Why detox in the first place?

When I first started learning more about nutrition, about our bodies’ physiology and about the environmental toxins we’re exposed to on a daily basis I felt a bit overwhelmed.

Did you know that scientists have determined that most people are carrying 700 contaminants in their bodies? These chemicals have been linked to all kinds of damage including cancer, high blood pressure, memory problems, immune dysfunction, attention deficit disorder, and more.

In my 21 Day Cleanses that I’ve been running for 15 years, I’ve seen so many incredible health transformations, just from lightening the load for a little while through easing up on the digestion, reducing inflammatory foods, and letting the body go through a normal, healthy, food-based detox.

Our bodies do work to detox on a daily basis, and they do this through five primary organs: the lungs, the colon, the kidneys, the skin and the liver. The challenge comes when our bodies get exposed to more toxins than they can process out, which is happening to all of us every day. The truth of the matter is that toxic chemicals in our food, our air, our water and in materials all around us can quickly overload our systems.

When our bodies get overexposed to toxins, our liver does the best job it can to protect us, and it does this by wrapping those toxins in mucous and storing them in fat cells. The problem with that is when we have a toxin stored in our fat, we can’t burn that fat until we release and process that toxin!

The reality is that no matter how much you exercise, eat right, and manage your stress, you won’t be able to lose stubborn fat, or shift chronic pain from inflammation, or reset erratic sleep patterns, shift your mood to a more positive state, until your body is actually able to detox those toxins for good.

The 7-Day Spring Cleanse is perfect for you if:


Here’s what a few of my past Cleanse participants have shared.

I highly recommend working with Ellen. Her conscious connection/Stewardship in Devotion to Mother Earth, along with her wisdom in nutritional science, creates a symbiotic, holistic container for community healing and nurture. Having her support, knowledge, and a forum for communicating with others in the cleanse provided a strong foundation and support for me. She honors individual dietary and holistic needs/intuition, and because of her structured format, I feel I have a more disciplined and conscious connection to what my body needs. Blessed to have this experience with her and the others I’ve shared in this Journey—to caring for and loving my whole Self.

-S. W.

I have participated in many cleanses over the years. This particular cleanse that Ellen offers is easy to follow, comprehensive, and effective. The recipe book has so many wonderful recipes that I plan to incorporate some of the dishes in my day to day life. Ellen is very knowledgeable, and makes sure everyone is getting what they need to be successful. I highly recommend all of Ellen's cleanses...this is my second one and I will be doing more.

- Wendy C.

Glass jar

What you’ll get with the 7 Day Spring Rejuvenation Cleanse

All Cleanse Calls will be recorded and replays will be sent to all registered cleansers, so don't worry if you can't make the live calls.

The full schedule of when the live calls are being offered is still being determined. Those details will be added when available. ***All calls are recorded and there is no need to attend any of them live, so this Cleanse can work for you even if you can't attend any calls live.***

During this Cleanse you will be avoiding all of the top potentially allergenic and inflammatory foods.

These include: Dairy, Eggs, Alcohol, Caffeine*, Wheat and Gluten (grains that contain gluten are: wheat, rye, barley, spelt and kamut), most types of Meat*, Tobacco, Processed Sugar, Inflammatory Oils, GMOs and Soy. (***Green tea and raw cacao is an allowed form of caffeine on this Cleanse, and if you eat meat, organic chicken, turkey and wild fish are allowed meats***) A daily menu/recipes will be provided, with options for omnivores, vegetarians and vegans. This will be your main recipe booklet for this Cleanse. The Eating Healthy on a Budget 7 Day Menu is an additional bonus for this Cleanse, so you'll actually have two full weeks worth of healthy meals to choose from!

Additionally, you will be adding in specific healthy and cleansing foods, and I will be encouraging you to experiment with foods you may not be familiar with – new foods that have incredible health-giving properties, and other foods that you may not be familiar with cooking/preparing, but that may become some of your new favorite foods by the end of the Cleanse!

Bonuses included in this Cleanse:

Spring Cleanse Early Bird Price - $87

CLICK HERE FOR THE SPRING CLEANSE EARLY BIRD OPTION. *note: you can pay via paypal OR credit/debit card at this link.

Save with the Early Bird Discount through Friday March 28th! On March 29th, the price goes up to $97.

Spring Cleanse Bring-A-Friend Price - $79

Are you a Past Cleanser? Save even more and register with a new friend you are bringing in to the Cleanse! (they save too)

Are you a New Cleanser? Save even more by joining with another New Cleanser. You each pay the discounted price.

CLICK HERE FOR THE SPRING CLEANSE BRING-A-FRIEND OPTION - $79. *note: you can pay via paypal OR credit/debit card at this link.

**This pricing is available for any past cleanser bringing a new friend to the Cleanse, or any new cleanser joining with another new cleanser. All people coming in with the bring-a-friend rate, whether past or new, receive the same discounted pricing. To take advantage of this discount, please register here, and then email me the name of the friend you will be registering with. You do not have to register at the same time, however it is preferable if you can register within 24-48 hours of each other.

Are you in the UK and would like to pay directly in pounds? Are you in the US and would prefer to pay by check? Please email Ellen to register and pay this way.

If you are using PayPal to pay at one of the above links and your PayPal address is NOT the same email address you normally check, PLEASE EMAIL ME SEPARATELY with your best email address so I can make sure to get the Cleanse materials to you!

"Cleanse" isn't the right word. "Focused, Delicious Nutrition," perhaps? "Path to Enjoying How Food Can Sustain You?" You make the food. You eat out. You decide the level of focus, and Ellen & her wisdom & community are there to support. DO IT."

Ellen with vegetables

Have questions? Please be in touch! I’d love to help you figure out if this is the right program for you. Send me an email, and I’ll get back to you right away.

Here’s to a healthier you!


Medical Disclaimer: This information is being provided to you for educational and informational purposes only. It is being provided to educate you about how to take care of your body and as a self-help tool for your own use so that you can reach your own health goals. It is not intended to treat or cure any specific illness and is not to replace the guidance provided by your own medical practitioner. This information is to be used at your own risk based on your own judgment. If you suspect you have a medical problem, I urge you to take appropriate action by seeking medical attention.

Rainbow carrots