21 Day Seasonal Cleanses

Welcome to the Winter 2025 Gentle Healing Cleanse!

I can't wait to share this transformative experience with you. Please join me to engage in a deep reset for body, mind and spirit to start off the New Year by taking a healthy step forward in your life.

If you're a returning Cleanser, I hope you enjoy the new features, education and guest presenters I'm bringing to this Cleanse. If you're a new cleanser, welcome to a life changing and FUN experience. I can't wait to meet with you in 2025.

- Ellen

How does the Winter Healing Cleanse Work?

Vegetables in a Heart Shape

The Winter Healing Cleanse begins Monday, January 13th (with pre-Cleanse support beginning Monday, Jan 6th), and completes Sunday, Feb 2nd (with post-Cleanse support completing Sunday, Feb 9th)

The Cleanse itself is three weeks long, but with the pre- and post-cleanse support weeks, you'll have 5 weeks total of active, guided support to help you ease gently into the Cleanse and be fully prepared for success, and to help you thoughtfully ease out and integrate the changes you'll experience into the New YOU that will be living in your body post-Cleanse.

I am fully committed to your success and the support I (and other Cleansers on the Community Forum that's a part of this Cleanse) offer is one of the main reasons so many are able to take what they've learned forward with them and make lasting changes in their dietary habits, health, wellness, and capacity to make loving and healing choices for their body/mind/spirit for years to come. I have taken thousands of people through this cleanse over the last 15 years, many of whom come back to repeat the Cleanse to take the learning deeper every year.

Plus, we have a lot of FUN together!

Your cleanse helped me to completely revolutionize my lifestyle and the way that I eat. I have tried calorie counting so many times throughout my life, only to quit after a few weeks, none the wiser about my health and body, often gaining back the weight I lost and then some. After 3-4 days on your cleanse, I started to feel a natural high I had never felt before. I had so much more energy and friends even said I seemed happier. At the end of those 3 weeks I had dropped 10 lbs and years of unhealthy eating habits.

Once the cleanse ended, I continued to mostly stick to its "rules" after realizing that the foods you cut were the ones making me feel like crap and gain weight. Now, whenever I do eat those foods (like processed sugar and pasta, my weaknesses) it doesn’t take long to actually feel and recognize the hurtful toll they take on my body, making them that much easier to avoid. It feels amazing to give my body what it actually needs while never having to restrict or obsess.

My diet change has allowed me to lose a total of 30 lbs since I started your cleanse just 5 months ago in April; that’s 15% of my body weight, and my BMI is no longer in the “obese” range. Most importantly, I feel so much better in every way. While I also went back to therapy when I started the cleanse, I know that my diet is also to credit for my mental health being exponentially easier to manage these days as well, particularly my anxiety. This cleanse really made it click for me that what I put into my body has a profound impact on my emotional and psychological well-being, not just the physical, that they are all connected. Thank you, Ellen, for giving me the tools I needed to take control of my health!

If you are feeling helpless and stuck like I was, I can’t recommend this program enough as a way to educate yourself about your body and kickstart your health."

An update on the testimonial above - it's now been 9 months since I first did Ellen's cleanse and I've lost a total of 50 lbs, almost 25% of my starting weight. Thanks for helping me take control of my health, Ellen! To anyone reading this: ditch the calorie counting and dieting that teaches you nothing, leaves you feeling sad and desperate, and ultimately hurts rather than helps your health - with Ellen's program, learn how your body is actually responding to the things you eat.

- Jen Carl

More Cleanse Details

You will receive everything you need before the Cleanse begins including Cleanse Recipe Booklets (with 60 Brand New Recipes), a Cleanse Guidebook with all relevant instructions to ensure ease of Cleansing, and meal outlines/suggestions, including daily meal-plans and shopping-lists for both omnivores and vegetarians/vegans alike, Q and A support, a Zoom class to get you started, zoom classes with special guest presenters, and abundant loving attention and support (the main factors for success in my opinion).

This Cleanse is NOT a fast. You will be eating healthy nourishing meals three times a day, plus healthy snacks as needed. While there are many varied dietary theories out there these days, this Cleanse is based on the simple principle of bio individuality, which is that not every person thrives on the same sorts of foods, activities etc. And so, the basics of the Cleanse involve removing inflammatory, allergenic or toxic foods (keep reading for those details), introducing healing nutrient dense foods, and experimenting with which foods actually work for YOU. And so while this Cleanse is offered in a group setting, it's encouraged and recommended to make this Cleanse yours. I will be supporting you in learning to listen to your body's actual needs for types and amounts of food, rest, hydration, exercise, etc. This Cleanse is not calorie-restricted, as when we eat real foods we naturally eat less, let go of cravings, and experience deeper satisfaction in all ways. The benefits are many and varied (keep reading for those details)

During the Cleanse you will be supported via a private online Community Cleanse Forum where daily instructional and inspirational messages are posted. Daily emails are also part of the Cleanse support. Questions during the Cleanse? I respond to all emails and questions personally. And additionally, you will have the opportunity to talk to me privately on a weekly basis for any additional support you may need.

This Cleanse can be taken by anyone anywhere in the world, and indeed has grown more international in the last couple years. All communications are done over email, phone and teleclass/Zoom conferencing.

Please email me with any questions, or simply register below and I will be in touch to get you started

Save some money and have more fun by registering with a friend. Simply claim the Bring a Friend Discount (see below).

What can you expect from this Cleanse?

Here’s one recent Cleanser’s experience:

“To say that "Ellen's Cleanse has changed my life" would just be such a basic and obvious statement to make. The experience itself really garners more of a need to shout from the rooftops!!

Having struggled with food issues, yo-yo diets, body image problems, sugar addiction and a never-ending cycle of depression and self-doubt in regards to truly taking care of myself, this cleanse has given me a new found faith, hope and utter joy for feeding myself with love - for my entire being.

First off - really giving my body the nourishment it deserves and finally realizing that allergenic foods have been plaguing me my entire life set this train in motion. I feel lighter, more energized and more in control without a maniacal need for following every single little rule or being "perfect".

I've gained a balance unlike any I've experienced before and I know that these new habits I have formed will serve me well even in the busiest or craziest of times.

It isn't just about the weight I've lost (20 lbs now) or my clarity of mind, or the impact this has made on those closest to me as well. It is the kindness, gentleness and connection of mind-body-spirit that allow me to feel for the first time that not only is everything incredible right now in the moment, and exactly as it should be, but every step that brought me here, as well as what's to come in the future, are one - harmonious and beautiful.

I just can't say enough about how worthwhile this journey is - get on board the train as soon as you can!!”

- Jessica Julin White

Recent Cleanse Upgrades

Special Additions for this Cleanse!

  1. Do you suspect you might have Histamine Intolerance? Or have you been wondering if you are sensitive to oxalates? The world of health is getting a bit more complicated day by day as people are overall becoming more reactive to what they are eating. And so, I do my best to offer additional helpful resources during my Cleanses for those who may have developed additional sensitivities on top of the common food allergies/sensitivities. I have personal experience healing from Histamine Intolerance and the underlying condition of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. You can read more about this on the Histamine Intolerance Page. All instructions for the additional support for those who suspect Histamine Intolerance or who may be sensitive to oxalates (these two are often related) will come with your Cleanse registration materials. Simply email me after you register to let me know you'd like this additional information and support, and I will make sure you get it as part of your cleanse materials. There is no extra charge for these resources.
  2. Purchase this cleanse for a friend, loved one, family member or colleague, and I'll send you a beautiful card and a gift certificate which you can present to them. There is no additional cost for this. My gift to you! Please register your friend for the Cleanse below, and then READ MORE HERE for instructions on choosing the card, etc. Please purchase with adequate time factored in for shipping depending on when you would like to present this gift.
  3. There are 5 main organs of detoxification, and on this Cleanse I will be offering specific guided support to go deeper with each one through the daily emails, Zoom calls, extra Guest Courses, and more! Please expect to receive guidance for practical, easy and simple strategies to support your overall detox mechanisms in the body. Each week I'll be bringing to focus one of two of these organs, so by the end of the Cleanse you can have a whole new strategy of ongoing support to keep the toxins flowing out for the long term, in a way that works for YOUR body. By the end of the Cleanse you can expect to have a better understanding of how to support your liver, kidneys, gut/colon, skin and lymphatics to work for you for the long term!

  4. I don't think there is a more important cutting edge in nutrition right now than the fascinating world of the Gut Microbiome. It's been a main focus of my continuing education and deepening training for the past 3 years. I'm excited to be sharing with you all, as part of the additional educational Zoom calls I offer with every Cleanse, brand new information specific to how we can heal, repair, rebalance, and best support our gut microbiome for the long term!

    The reasons to focus in this area are many. A few key ones are:

    1. Improving Immunity
    2. Addressing Mental Health/Moods/Depression
    3. Optimizing Digestion
    4. Supporting Healthy Weight Loss
    5. and last but certainly not least, reducing Inflammation, which is the key factor behind every chronic illness, and which, for the vast majority of us, starts in the gut!

    The extra support and education will be happening during the Cleanse Zoom calls and in some of the daily emails, on the Cleanse Forum, and in general will be a theme I bring to bear during this Cleanse. If you've cleansed with me in recent years please expect to learn brand new information that I haven't shared in past cleanses, as this is an ever-emerging field, and I've done deeper trainings in 2024 that have left me with a wealth of exciting new info to share!

Special Guest Presenters on this Cleanse

Every year I get so excited about the Guest Teachers who bring their brilliance and expertise to the Cleanse and make it an extra special experience! These presentations happen live throughout the 3 weeks of the Cleanse, and are all recorded, so you can catch up at any time if you can't make the presentations live. I am still determining the exact schedule and timings of the calls. Once I finalize the timings, the schedule will be shared with all registered cleansers well before the Cleanse begins.

Our BRAND NEW Guest Presenters for this Cleanse are:

Kara Seidman, RDN, CDCES
Harnessing the Power of the Gut Biome to Support Natural Production of GLP-1 (which helps to Resolve Cravings, Manage Weight, Stabilize Blood Sugar and More!)

Kara is a brilliant clinician with an extensive background in GI related health issues, and a specific research focus on the Gut Microbiome. I've gotten to know her through my work with Microbiome Labs, the creator of the #1 probiotic health-care practitioners recommend, MegaSporeBiotic. She's now shifted her focus to "precision probiotics" through her work with the company Pendulum, and will be able to share with us the many ways we can support our gut biome to enhance production of GLP-1, which is a hormone that we should all be able to produce naturally to help regulate blood sugar, control appetite, and maintain a healthy weight. Sadly, many of us no longer produce adequate levels of this essential hormone, due largely to impacts on the gut microbiome. During her presentation we'll discuss ways to shift our gut biome in order to produce more of this hormone naturally, and thus receive a wide range of really positive health benefits. I can't wait for you to experience Kara's brilliance and come away with some specific action steps you can take to resolve long-standing weight issues, eliminate cravings, and shift your metabolic health in positive ways. If you're interested in learning more about this area prior to the Cleanse, please email me, and I will share with you a recording from a presentation I made in the summer of 2024 on "Eating for a Healthy Midsection".

Anna Claire Lotti
Tea and Herbs for Wellness, Detoxification and Renewal

This class delves into various types of teas and herbs that can help to support your wellness journey, highlighting their health benefits and brewing techniques. Explore how these natural allies can aid digestion, boost energy, and promote relaxation, helping you feel balanced and nourished. Enhance your cleanse experience with simple, effective ways to integrate these into your daily routine.

Anna Claire Lotti is a clinically trained herbalist and integrative wellness practitioner with a focus on bridging traditional herbal medicine and modern health practices. Her academic background includes advanced studies in clinical herbalism, nutritional science, and integrative therapies, which she combines with a deep respect for the healing wisdom of plants. Anna Claire’s practice emphasizes holistic health, offering support through customized herbal remedies, dietary guidance, and personal wellness plans. She is passionate about empowering others to take an active role in their well-being by reconnecting with the natural world.

In recent years, Anna Claire has discovered that travel not only broadens her perspective, but also serves to further deepen her connection with nature. This bond has grown especially profound through her immersive experiences in Peru, where she has studied under P’aqo Victor Chura Quispe of the Q’ero Nation since 2016. Delving into Andean wisdom teachings has profoundly influenced her herbal practice, inspiring her to incorporate spiritual elements, such as the Peruvian medicine bundle and sacred ceremonies, into her work. By uniting academic expertise with ancient wisdom, Anna Claire offers holistic healing experiences that honor the mind, body, and spirit, fostering balance and transformation through nature.

Red K Elders
Who Are you Now? A Guided Embodiment Experience to Complete the Cleanse

On the final day of the Cleanse, to close out our experience together, Red will be leading a guided meditative movement exercise. This will help us to feel fully into our bodies and how we are - now, anew. After all we have cleansed and released, removed and restructured, we'll come together and explore the new shape of us, where the essence of who we truly are is exquisitely clear.

Red K Elders is an artist, deep bodyworker, and movement facilitator, with over thirty years of extensive experience and practice both personally and professionally, with private clients and in group facilitation. Her class Somatic Sorcery at The Blackthorne School has so far welcomed six cohorts of participants, and supported many beautiful and inspiring experiences of reawakening and discovering the wonders of our mystical body and our relationship within the greater cosmos.

Past Presenters Who've Offered their Expertise Before, and will be Joining for this Cleanse Include:

Jennifer Marie Young
Detoxing through the Lymphatics and Glymphatics
This is an experiential class where we'll learn how to support detoxing from our lymphatics, glymphatics and fascia - the place any detox should start!

Jennifer Marie Young is an Author and Health & Well-being Practitioner who integrates yoga, personal training, martial arts, performing arts, herbalism, and medical astrology in her work. Passionate about learning, Jen is currently studying the senses and perception, traditional medicine, and the anatomy of breathing. In her leisure, Jen explores nature, tends her garden, watches science fiction, and cherishes meals with loved ones. Find information on Jen's new book, resources for holistic well-being, events and newsletter signup at jennifermarieyoung.com. Here's a link to view the media kit for the book online. In addition to offering this great class, Jen helps to answer questions in the Cleanse Forum on anything related to fitness, yoga, movement and detox as related to these areas.

Rev. Cathryn the Grateful
Joyful Exercise: Let's Dance
Cathryn the Grateful will lead us in 50 minutes of DIVINE DANCE PARTY to remind us how pleasurable and fun physical activity can be! Log into Zoom for guided movement which starts slow (emphasis on stretching), builds to energetic dance, cool down and free dance. This is an embodied JOYFUL workout for mind, body and spirit (for all levels, ages, genders). Comfortable dance/yoga attire suggested. Listening to your body is our priority, and you will be invited to tweak movements to cultivate JOY in your body! It’s great exercise, helps us develop MOBILITY, FLEXIBILITY, AGILITY, STRENGTH & STABILITY, generates more JOY & PLEASURE in our bodies, and is safe for all levels!

Rev. Cathryn the Grateful's primary path to joyful physical well-being is through dance (after all, music + movement = magic). She has a dance sanctuary in her home in Charleston, SC where she hosts weekly Divine Dance Parties, sacred circles and community gatherings. Her focus is based on listening to your body’s way to cultivate strength, flexibility, agility and PLEASURE! Cathryn is a brown belt in NIA and has multiple dance traditions including 5Rhythms with founder Gabrielle Roth, and is a long-time ecstatic dancer. Learn more about Cathryn and her movement ministry at: www.cathrynthegrateful.com “Come dance with me. Come Dance.” – Hafiz

Brittney Marie Stauffer
Nourishing our Nerves
Gain a better understand of how your nervous system is calibrated and the role it plays in your overall being. Learn simple somatic practices that help regulate your nervous system supporting healthy digestion, blood pressure, heart rate, respiration, and a balanced stress response. Since stress is behind about 90 - 95% of illness manifestation according to many sources, we can't expect to heal without working in this area.

Brittney Marie Stauffer is a wellness educator and energy medicine practitioner at Red Mountain Resort in southern Utah and her private practice, Brilliant Beautiful Life. She’s trained in the Andean lineage of shamanic practices, Daoist Stone and Crystal Medicine, and is certified in Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy. You can read more about her work here: https://www.brilliantbeautifullife.com/services-1-1

There will be 60 BRAND NEW RECIPES that you can enjoy on this Cleanse (in addition to the traditional standbys in the bigger Cleanse Recipe Books I always share that people love and come back to). I have decided to provide the new recipes in this Winter Cleanse in the same format as the 7 Day Cleanse - i.e. you will receive suggestions for a daily meal plan, a shopping list for exactly what you need for the first week and the second (vegan/vegetarian week - optional but recommended), plus easy substitutions as needed. This means that IF you want more structure the first couple weeks of this 21 day Cleanse, you can easily follow these recipes/shop for exactly what's on the shopping list, etc. If you prefer to create your own meal plans, then you can simply ignore this, and just choose the recipes that look best to you! So this is a great option for people who both like more structure and for folks who don't need/want that.

What Specific Benefits Can I Expect From a Cleanse?

My popular Seasonal Cleanses offer detoxification for the body, and renewal for the soul! The changes you experience will forever shift the way you look at food and your body. Its gifts include positive changes in body shape and weight, and frequently, an end to chronic health concerns.

Engaging in a gentle food-based Cleanse is a great way to reset in the New Year.

Love is not so much an ingredient you add to a meal, as it is the place from where you prepare it, cook it, serve it, eat it, and bless it. The heart is the best kitchen in the world. It makes any meal the best meal ever

This Cleanse is a 21-Day healing experience with lifelong benefits. Would you like to:

If you answered YES to any of these questions, my Cleanse is right for you!

Cleansers share how the Cleanse helped them:

“Ellen makes the cleanse accessible for people and allows it be how it needs to be for each person. Her support and guidance is clear and welcoming. The daily email and forum helped me to feel connected to the group and once I got started it was not a struggle to eat this way. I felt lighter (lost 5 pounds) physically and mentally. I really enjoyed the foods!”

- Jacci

"Thank you! This was such a great experience for me.

I lost about 10lbs and it has stayed off. I felt lighter (not as bloated in general), clearer in thinking and dealing with stress, and just generally had an overall sense of "feeling better".

I'm an emotional eater - I've always known this. The cleanse started me on the journey to realizing that food is fuel and I have to actually FEEL the emotions rather than stuffing food on top of them. One day at a time, one emotion at a time…it's a start.

I would like to do this Cleanse a few times a year. I think every time I would learn something new and reinforce the things I had learned at first. It was easier than I expected but challenging enough to make it interesting. It was a better experience than some diets I've been on in the past (and I've tried a lot!).”

- Carrie Dunn

"Ellen's cleanse is really a wonderful thing to do for yourself. It is affordable and runs a perfect amount of time to instill new habits for wellness and self care. As well as coming back into balance and reminding myself that I do indeed know how to eat healthy and how to maintain it, I lost 13 #'s and inches came off too.

I am sleeping and resting better, I have less pain/tightness in my body, my skin looks amazing, I feel younger, and I had a big yeast die-off. This exceeded my expectations! I also came to deeply realize that I deserve to nourish and cherish my body.

Health is our greatest wealth and I need to not take it for granted.

I absolutely recommend this cleanse and have recommended it to many people! It was much easier that I thought it would be! There is daily support in the form of a loving and wise email, access to a forum with other cleansers, and a support team of other experts (an herbalist and a yoga teacher/trainer). Ellen also offered 2 guided meditations per week as well as weekly office hours to support anyone with any questions.

The love and support of this program are truly unparalleled. The recipes are great and I continue make a lot of them and have included my family in this as well. The pre- and post-cleanse information and toxicity assessments were very useful and were a great tool to see how much progress you can make in such a short time! There is also a lot of guidance for living in the world post-cleanse and how to maintain your results. Trust your intuition and do something wonderful for yourself! You deserve it! Can't wait for January!"

- Elaine McCall, Decatur, GA

I participated in Ellen Kittredge's 3-week cleanse with great success. I am a Family Practice Physician in practice for 40 years. I found Ellen's food cleanse to be a gentle and easy experience. I was never hungry nor obsessed with the foods which I had eliminated from my diet. Her recipes, suggestions and encouragement were very helpful. I lost 10 pounds of weight, stopped needing my cholesterol lowering statin (and my serum lipids remained normal), stopped using a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medication and acetaminophen daily to manage my osteoarthritis without changing the level of pain in my joints, and only needed my brain stimulant to manage narcolepsy a handful of times instead of twice per day. These are remarkable changes in only 3-weeks!

My energy remained high and I felt good. As a result, I have continued to modify my typical diet with persisting positive experiences. One lunch after the cleanse was over I ate a meal which included a carbohydrate load with bread and french fries and was unable to stay awake an hour later. This was a very helpful educational experience and further motivation to convince me about the relationship between food and my physical state of being. Ellen's daily emails are loaded with helpful information. Having the support of her group and her ready responses to questions is very helpful. I am now encouraging my interested patients to invest 3-weeks in their own self-discovery.

- Charles H. Wile, MD

"I was tired of never losing weight and feeling like crap. I have tried everything and tried more than once to lose weight and feel better. I met someone that recommended Ellen to me. After one phone call with Ellen I felt she got me and my issues. I was very apprehensive with doing a Food Cleanse. I am not a believer in fasting but the food cleanse made more sense to me. I could still eat protein which always makes me feel better.

So without a net I dived in and even went on vacation and managed to lose 11 pounds over the 3 weeks. After the first week I noticed my body felt good with no stiffness, pain or discomfort in my joints. My sleep was deeper, my eyes clearer, and my energy gradually increased as well. I continue to have good energy and no body discomfort. I also noticed a big difference in my taste for food I use to eat to what I eat now.

Foods I use to eat and crave no longer hold the same feeling of being satiated or wanting more junk. I no longer have cravings, continue to slowly lose more weight and feel that I started a new healthy way of being in my body. Thank you Ellen for supporting me through personal phone calls, the online forum, recipes and supplemental support."

- Kathy Stahl, Hartsville, PA

Special Pricing Available On This Cleanse

NOTE: If your PayPal address is not the same email address you normally check, PLEASE EMAIL ME SEPARATELY with your best email address so I can make sure to get the Cleanse materials to you!

Bring a Friend Discount

Bring a Friend Discount - It's so much fun to do a Cleanse with a friend! If you have done any Cleanse with me before and you bring a NEW Cleanser with you to the Cleanse, you will both receive more than $25 off the Cleanse price! Or, if you and your friend are BOTH NEW to the Cleanse (have never Cleansed with me before) you will both receive more than $25 off the Cleanse price! To take advantage of this discount, please register here, and then email me the name of the friend you will be registering with. You do not have to register at the same time, however it is preferable if you can register within 24-48 hours of each other.

Note: The Bring a Friend Discount does not apply if you and your friend have both cleansed with me before. It can only be used for a past cleanser and a new cleanser registering together, or two new cleansers registering together.

Please select appropriate payment below, depending on whether you've cleansed with me before. NOTE: If your PayPal address is not the same email address you normally check, PLEASE EMAIL ME SEPARATELY with your best email address so I can make sure to get the Cleanse materials to you!

Past Cleanser - $115

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New Cleanser - Early Bird: $129

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Past Cleanser - Bring a Friend: $89

Powered by paypal

New Cleanser - Bring a Friend: $119

Powered by paypal

If you are in the UK and want to pay with pounds, thus avoiding the exchange fees, please email me directly and I will get you my bank details to pay that way.

Special Scholarship Rates for this Cleanse. If you are experiencing financial hardship and need to pay a reduced rate for this Cleanse, please email Ellen.

Other Payment Options: I also accept payment via check if that's easier for you. If you'd prefer that option, simply EMAIL ME for further instruction. Additionally, all NEW CLIENTS will need to fill out a quick health survey, which I will email to you after registration. If you are in the UK and want to pay with pounds, thus avoiding the exchange fees, please email me directly and I will get you my bank details to pay that way.

Green Tea Matcha

Here is an idea of what you can expect from the Cleanse:

"I would highly recommend making the commitment to do the cleanse. Ellen is great with the details and guiding you through the 3 weeks.

As a busy professional I was concerned I didn’t have the time to make it work. But, with just a few hours preparation each weekend I was good to go for the week.

I ate amazingly healthy items and found myself quite fine with the foods I gave up. It happens that I had a blood test taken just after the cleanse and my cholesterol had gone down 30 points in 8 months. My only real change had been the cleanse. Amazing!”

- Jane M.

"My first cleanse was an amazing, expansive experience! I'm grateful for the results I received on multiple levels - spiritually, emotionally, mentally, and physically.

Spiritually, I continue to let go to progressively deeper levels, be in flow with the universe, open to more and more love, and embrace abundance. Emotionally, I experienced significantly decreased anxiety and depression and re-framed old thought patterns to better serve me. Mentally, my concentration is solid, my focus is sharp, and I have clarity about exactly what actions I need to take.

Examples of physical benefits include significantly increased energy, a lightness of being, removal of energy blocks in my body, elimination of inflammation, weight loss, changed body shape, increased sexual drive on top of an already incredible sexual drive, heightened sensory awareness, elimination of pre-menstrual symptoms, improved sleep, and glowing skin.”

- Erica

Basket of veggies

"Group support and even kinda fun on a cleanse? Yep, that's what happens. We are all in this together, and Ellen is our guide and teacher through it all.

She gathers us up into a mutually supportive network with lightness and good feelings, and timely alerts about possible speed bumps before we get there.

Ellen helps with solid grounding in nutrition science and holistic care for the whole body, mind, and spirit. She also welcomes experts to our cleanse circle who support us with ideas for body movement and gentle herbals.

This is my third cleanse with Ellen's guidance. The learning process is rich. I feel more healthy, more aware, and more honest. Now I enjoy my life so much more than I did before my first cleanse.

The changes are profound and lasting. My relationships are deeper, more clear, and happier than ever before. I have a new relationship with food--more respectful, more loving, and lighter and easier.

I am easier on myself and on others as well. And, I have much more fun--all around fun! How did that happen? It takes hard work and purpose, no doubt about that. I could not have come this far alone. Ellen and her wonderful gift of holding the group in teaching/healing/support/understanding has made all the difference in my success on this path.

Do you really want to feel better? How about some help and support on the journey to feeling good? Recommendation: 5 stars. (But you have to do the work!)"

- Anne Walters, Charlottesville, VA

"I signed up for the cleanse for all the wrong reasons. My husband was doing it, and I worried that he would lose weight and I wouldn't! I was looking at it as an ordeal or endurance test to get through. Boy, was I surprised!

About 3 days in, I noticed that my thinking was clearer. I was calmer and had more energy. I wasn't missing sugar. I was losing weight quickly. My skin was clearing up. I felt like exercising. In fact, I felt great.

I discovered that green smoothies are delicious. Buckwheat tabouli is amazing. Almond milk is wonderful. Fruit is astonishingly sweet. Wow!

By the end of the cleanse, I had lost 12 pounds. I had some blood work done. My cholesterol dropped from 240 to 163. My cholesterol ratio is now an amazing 3.2. My triglycerides are 71. All in just 21 days. And, by the way, I am 62 years old.

What an awakening to the importance of lovingly selecting foods for my well-being! Since the cleanse, i have occasionally included foods I ate before, but they don't appeal to me the way they did before. You know what appeals to me? Feeling good!

Thank you, Ellen! The daily encouragement you offered through your emails made this a sweet and gentle process to guide me back to wellness and vitality. Your approach is thoughtful, reasonable, and empowering. It is a joy to recommend your program to everyone who is ready to change their lives!

With deep gratitude.

- Ashley Wile

Winter Healing Cleanse: The Details

I will be your guide throughout the 21-day process. The cleanse will involve a gradual elimination of foods that are harmful or toxic to the body, along with incorporation of cleansing/healing foods.

One of the more thoughtful ways we can evolve our relationship with food, and hence our metabolism, is to align our way of eating with our greater life purpose. That means getting in touch with the story of who we are and why we're here on Earth, and eating in a way that supports this grander mission

You will receive a newly updated and upgraded Cleanse Recipe Booklet and Cleanse Guidebook that together include everything you need to be successful over the 21 days. Each edition gets better, and includes new recipes, cleansing ideas, and tips to keep you on track during the Cleanse.

You will receive daily and weekly meal outlines, a wealth of healthy cleansing recipes, and options for substitutions and ideas for how to fit healthy choices into a busy schedule.

This Cleanse is open to anyone in the world who would like to participate (If you are a NEW Cleanser I will be assessing your particular health needs through a survey I'll ask you to complete, to make sure it is appropriate for you). Prior to the Cleanse I will offer a live teleclass that will step you through the details of the Cleanse and support you in your success.

I will email you everything you need to be successful with the cleanse, including recipes, guidelines, and a day-to-day outline of what you will be doing for the Cleanse.

You will receive daily support via a private Online Community Cleanse Forum, where you will have access to daily inspirational and instructional messages, as well as a host of other information in regards to how to be successful on this Cleanse. This Forum contains a wealth of information that will empower you to much greater success and leave you coming away from the Cleanse well-educated about how to be successful in your health goals for the long-term.

Additionally, you will have an opportunity to talk with me on a private call once a week to check in/ask questions that may have come up.

I have participated in many cleanses over the years. This particular cleanse that Ellen offers is easy to follow, comprehensive, and effective. Ellen offers support, and a forum where others on the cleanse can interact. The recipe book has so many wonderful recipes that I plan to incorporate some of the dishes in my day to day life. Ellen is very knowledgeable, and makes sure everyone is getting what they need to be successful. I highly recommend all of Ellen's cleanses...this is my second one and I will be doing more.

- Wendy C.

I highly recommend working with Ellen. Her conscious connection/Stewardship in Devotion to Mother Earth, along with her wisdom in nutritional science, creates a symbiotic, holistic container for community healing and nurture. Having her support, knowledge, and a forum for communicating with others in the cleanse provided a strong foundation and support for me. She honors individual dietary and holistic needs/intuition, and because of her structured format, I feel I have a more disciplined and conscious connection to what my body needs. Blessed to have this experience with her and the others I’ve shared in this 21-day Journey—to caring for and loving my whole Self. Thank you, Ellen and Winter Cleanse 2020.

- S. W.

What don't you eat and what do you eat during the 21 day Winter Healing Cleanse?

During this Cleanse you will be avoiding all of the top potentially allergenic and inflammatory foods.

These include: Dairy, Eggs, Alcohol, Caffeine*, Wheat and Gluten (grains that contain gluten are: wheat, rye, barley, spelt and kamut), most types of Meat*, Tobacco, Processed Sugar, Inflammatory Oils, GMOs and Soy. (***Green tea and raw cacao is an allowed form of caffeine on this Cleanse, and organic chicken, turkey and wild fish are allowed meats***)

Additionally, you will be adding in specific healthy and cleansing foods and I will be encouraging you to experiment with foods you may not be familiar with – new foods that have incredible health-giving properties such as "super-foods" and other foods that you may not be familiar with cooking/preparing, but that may become some of your new favorite foods by the end of the Cleanse!

I've including extra tips for Cleansing successfully with a busy schedule or while traveling in this Cleanse, so you should be able to do it quite successfully even if you are entering into a busy time that coincides with the Cleanse.

If you have any concerns, please check with your doctor prior to starting this Cleanse. DO NOT stop taking any medications without speaking to your doctor.

I am offering the following with this Winter Healing Cleanse.

Additional supportive Cleanse superfood recommendations

Per the request of many of my past Cleansers who want to go deeper in their cleansing experience, I have been researching and experimenting with the nutritious superfoods and detox products offered by a company called Purium for the last several years.

  1. Detox your gut from glyphosate (Roundup), and improve your overall digestion
  2. Get better sleep
  3. Have a high quality easily-digestible source of vegan protein for supporting your exercise routine
  4. increase your intake of superfoods

Please check out THIS PAGE to learn more and consider adding one or more these superfoods/protocols to your Cleanse.

My Cleanses are designed to be very successful with just eating REAL FOOD, and that's the way I have structured them for the first decade I offered cleanses. Thus, these superfood and detox products are NOT essential or necessary. They are simply an option that usually about 1/4 of the Cleansers on each Cleanse choose to add to their Cleanse. Please use your personal discernment, and follow instructions on the page HERE (after you have registered for the Cleanse below).

You may choose to engage in a modified intermittent fasting protocol with the support of superfoods and vegan protein Read More Here. This is an optional addition which would be especially recommended for those who wish to focus primarily on weight loss during the cleanse.

Special Additions for this Cleanse!

Recent Cleanse Upgrades

Special Additions for this Cleanse!

  1. Do you suspect you might have Histamine Intolerance? Or have you been wondering if you are sensitive to oxalates? The world of health is getting a bit more complicated day by day as people are overall becoming more reactive to what they are eating. And so, I do my best to offer additional helpful resources during my Cleanses for those who may have developed additional sensitivities on top of the common food allergies/sensitivities. I have personal experience healing from Histamine Intolerance and the underlying condition of Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. You can read more about this on the Histamine Intolerance Page. All instructions for the additional support for those who suspect Histamine Intolerance or who may be sensitive to oxalates (these two are often related) will come with your Cleanse registration materials. Simply email me after you register to let me know you'd like this additional information and support, and I will make sure you get it as part of your cleanse materials. There is no extra charge for these resources.
  2. Purchase this cleanse for a friend, loved one, family member or colleague, and I'll send you a beautiful card and a gift certificate which you can present to them. There is no additional cost for this. My gift to you! Please register your friend for the Cleanse below, and then READ MORE HERE for instructions on choosing the card, etc. Please purchase with adequate time factored in for shipping depending on when you would like to present this gift.
  3. There are 5 main organs of detoxification, and on this Cleanse I will be offering specific guided support to go deeper with each one through the daily emails, Zoom calls, extra Guest Courses, and more! Please expect to receive guidance for practical, easy and simple strategies to support your overall detox mechanisms in the body. Each week I'll be bringing to focus one of two of these organs, so by the end of the Cleanse you can have a whole new strategy of ongoing support to keep the toxins flowing out for the long term, in a way that works for YOUR body. By the end of the Cleanse you can expect to have a better understanding of how to support your liver, kidneys, gut/colon, skin and lymphatics to work for you for the long term!

  4. I don't think there is a more important cutting edge in nutrition right now than the fascinating world of the Gut Microbiome. It's been a main focus of my continuing education and deepening training for the past 3 years. I'm excited to be sharing with you all, as part of the additional educational Zoom calls I offer with every Cleanse, brand new information specific to how we can heal, repair, rebalance, and best support our gut microbiome for the long term!

    The reasons to focus in this area are many. A few key ones are:

    1. Improving Immunity
    2. Addressing Mental Health/Moods/Depression
    3. Optimizing Digestion
    4. Supporting Healthy Weight Loss
    5. and last but certainly not least, reducing Inflammation, which is the key factor behind every chronic illness, and which, for the vast majority of us, starts in the gut!

    The extra support and education will be happening during the Cleanse Zoom calls and in some of the daily emails, on the Cleanse Forum, and in general will be a theme I bring to bear during this Cleanse. If you've cleansed with me in recent years please expect to learn brand new information that I haven't shared in past cleanses, as this is an ever-emerging field, and I've done deeper trainings in 2024 that have left me with a wealth of exciting new info to share!

Special Guest Presenters on this Cleanse

Every year I get so excited about the Guest Teachers who bring their brilliance and expertise to the Cleanse and make it an extra special experience! These presentations happen live throughout the 3 weeks of the Cleanse, and are all recorded, so you can catch up at any time if you can't make the presentations live. I am still determining the exact schedule and timings of the calls. Once I finalize the timings, the schedule will be shared with all registered cleansers well before the Cleanse begins.

Our BRAND NEW Guest Presenters for this Cleanse are:

Kara Seidman, RDN, CDCES
Harnessing the Power of the Gut Biome to Support Natural Production of GLP-1 (which helps to Resolve Cravings, Manage Weight, Stabilize Blood Sugar and More!)

Kara is a brilliant clinician with an extensive background in GI related health issues, and a specific research focus on the Gut Microbiome. I've gotten to know her through my work with Microbiome Labs, the creator of the #1 probiotic health-care practitioners recommend, MegaSporeBiotic. She's now shifted her focus to "precision probiotics" through her work with the company Pendulum, and will be able to share with us the many ways we can support our gut biome to enhance production of GLP-1, which is a hormone that we should all be able to produce naturally to help regulate blood sugar, control appetite, and maintain a healthy weight. Sadly, many of us no longer produce adequate levels of this essential hormone, due largely to impacts on the gut microbiome. During her presentation we'll discuss ways to shift our gut biome in order to produce more of this hormone naturally, and thus receive a wide range of really positive health benefits. I can't wait for you to experience Kara's brilliance and come away with some specific action steps you can take to resolve long-standing weight issues, eliminate cravings, and shift your metabolic health in positive ways. If you're interested in learning more about this area prior to the Cleanse, please email me, and I will share with you a recording from a presentation I made in the summer of 2024 on "Eating for a Healthy Midsection".

Anna Claire Lotti
Tea and Herbs for Wellness, Detoxification and Renewal

This class delves into various types of teas and herbs that can help to support your wellness journey, highlighting their health benefits and brewing techniques. Explore how these natural allies can aid digestion, boost energy, and promote relaxation, helping you feel balanced and nourished. Enhance your cleanse experience with simple, effective ways to integrate these into your daily routine.

Anna Claire Lotti is a clinically trained herbalist and integrative wellness practitioner with a focus on bridging traditional herbal medicine and modern health practices. Her academic background includes advanced studies in clinical herbalism, nutritional science, and integrative therapies, which she combines with a deep respect for the healing wisdom of plants. Anna Claire’s practice emphasizes holistic health, offering support through customized herbal remedies, dietary guidance, and personal wellness plans. She is passionate about empowering others to take an active role in their well-being by reconnecting with the natural world.

In recent years, Anna Claire has discovered that travel not only broadens her perspective, but also serves to further deepen her connection with nature. This bond has grown especially profound through her immersive experiences in Peru, where she has studied under P’aqo Victor Chura Quispe of the Q’ero Nation since 2016. Delving into Andean wisdom teachings has profoundly influenced her herbal practice, inspiring her to incorporate spiritual elements, such as the Peruvian medicine bundle and sacred ceremonies, into her work. By uniting academic expertise with ancient wisdom, Anna Claire offers holistic healing experiences that honor the mind, body, and spirit, fostering balance and transformation through nature.

Red K Elders
Who Are you Now? A Guided Embodiment Experience to Complete the Cleanse

On the final day of the Cleanse, to close out our experience together, Red will be leading a guided meditative movement exercise. This will help us to feel fully into our bodies and how we are - now, anew. After all we have cleansed and released, removed and restructured, we'll come together and explore the new shape of us, where the essence of who we truly are is exquisitely clear.

Red K Elders is an artist, deep bodyworker, and movement facilitator, with over thirty years of extensive experience and practice both personally and professionally, with private clients and in group facilitation. Her class Somatic Sorcery at The Blackthorne School has so far welcomed six cohorts of participants, and supported many beautiful and inspiring experiences of reawakening and discovering the wonders of our mystical body and our relationship within the greater cosmos.

Past Presenters Who've Offered their Expertise Before, and will be Joining for this Cleanse Include:

Jennifer Marie Young
Detoxing through the Lymphatics and Glymphatics
This is an experiential class where we'll learn how to support detoxing from our lymphatics, glymphatics and fascia - the place any detox should start!

Jennifer Marie Young is an Author and Health & Well-being Practitioner who integrates yoga, personal training, martial arts, performing arts, herbalism, and medical astrology in her work. Passionate about learning, Jen is currently studying the senses and perception, traditional medicine, and the anatomy of breathing. In her leisure, Jen explores nature, tends her garden, watches science fiction, and cherishes meals with loved ones. Find information on Jen's new book, resources for holistic well-being, events and newsletter signup at jennifermarieyoung.com. Here's a link to view the media kit for the book online. In addition to offering this great class, Jen helps to answer questions in the Cleanse Forum on anything related to fitness, yoga, movement and detox as related to these areas.

Rev. Cathryn the Grateful
Joyful Exercise: Let's Dance
Cathryn the Grateful will lead us in 50 minutes of DIVINE DANCE PARTY to remind us how pleasurable and fun physical activity can be! Log into Zoom for guided movement which starts slow (emphasis on stretching), builds to energetic dance, cool down and free dance. This is an embodied JOYFUL workout for mind, body and spirit (for all levels, ages, genders). Comfortable dance/yoga attire suggested. Listening to your body is our priority, and you will be invited to tweak movements to cultivate JOY in your body! It’s great exercise, helps us develop MOBILITY, FLEXIBILITY, AGILITY, STRENGTH & STABILITY, generates more JOY & PLEASURE in our bodies, and is safe for all levels!

Rev. Cathryn the Grateful's primary path to joyful physical well-being is through dance (after all, music + movement = magic). She has a dance sanctuary in her home in Charleston, SC where she hosts weekly Divine Dance Parties, sacred circles and community gatherings. Her focus is based on listening to your body’s way to cultivate strength, flexibility, agility and PLEASURE! Cathryn is a brown belt in NIA and has multiple dance traditions including 5Rhythms with founder Gabrielle Roth, and is a long-time ecstatic dancer. Learn more about Cathryn and her movement ministry at: www.cathrynthegrateful.com “Come dance with me. Come Dance.” – Hafiz

Brittney Marie Stauffer
Nourishing our Nerves
Gain a better understand of how your nervous system is calibrated and the role it plays in your overall being. Learn simple somatic practices that help regulate your nervous system supporting healthy digestion, blood pressure, heart rate, respiration, and a balanced stress response. Since stress is behind about 90 - 95% of illness manifestation according to many sources, we can't expect to heal without working in this area.

Brittney Marie Stauffer is a wellness educator and energy medicine practitioner at Red Mountain Resort in southern Utah and her private practice, Brilliant Beautiful Life. She’s trained in the Andean lineage of shamanic practices, Daoist Stone and Crystal Medicine, and is certified in Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy. You can read more about her work here: https://www.brilliantbeautifullife.com/services-1-1

There will be 60 BRAND NEW RECIPES that you can enjoy on this Cleanse (in addition to the traditional standbys in the bigger Cleanse Recipe Books I always share that people love and come back to). I have decided to provide the new recipes in this Winter Cleanse in the same format as the 7 Day Cleanse - i.e. you will receive suggestions for a daily meal plan, a shopping list for exactly what you need for the first week and the second (vegan/vegetarian week - optional but recommended), plus easy substitutions as needed. This means that IF you want more structure the first couple weeks of this 21 day Cleanse, you can easily follow these recipes/shop for exactly what's on the shopping list, etc. If you prefer to create your own meal plans, then you can simply ignore this, and just choose the recipes that look best to you! So this is a great option for people who both like more structure and for folks who don't need/want that.

"Who says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks? I’ve been practicing healthy eating and living most of my adult life and thought I knew a lot. I’ve been blessed with good health overall, although I have had mild depression on and off through the years. When I reached my almost mid-60s, I began feeling tired, having low energy, experiencing foggy thinking and forgetting more than I was comfortable with. I chalked it up to age, overwork and stress. But then as synchronicity would have it, I watched “Fat and Sick,” a movie about getting healthy from the inside out, and saw a posting on Facebook about Ellen’s cleanse.

It was a new year and I was looking for an adventure, so I signed up. Ellen’s cleanse was life-enhancing, to say the least. It was way easier than I thought it would be to go 3 weeks without sugar, dairy, caffeine and alcohol, and the results were amazing. I feel much more energetic, clear, focused and . . . happy! My mood has been uplifted! I also lost about half of my “spare tire,” which makes me very happy.

I’ve been transformed from a died-in-the-wool skeptic to a superfoods convert. My husband (who also took the cleanse) and I just joined our local co-op where we can get wonderful, organic, largely locally grown foods and nutritional supplements. We’re reading labels a lot more and continuing to educate ourselves on foods that are healthy for us and the planet.

I gained so much through the cleanse, such as: an understanding of how our bodies reflect the fuel we feed it, knowledge of just what is healthy eating, clarity around what I can do to make myself feel good, a strengthened bond with my husband gained through sharing this experience, and a sense of community through Ellen’s forum and phone calls. The cleanse turned out to be a grand adventure after all, one that was good for my body, mind and soul.

I would recommend it to anyone and everyone!"

- S. Rosenberg

My Guarantee

You will see positive results
You will be fully supported
You will have a new and healthy relationship with food and your body
You will be AMAZED at the simplicity and effectiveness of this Cleanse

Endive Boats

"Ellen portrays wisdom, knowledge and the act of kindness. She meets each individual where they are at in their particular life path and shares principles that allow you to go as deep as you are comfortable with. The recipe and guide books were worth the cost alone!"

- Kim Johnson

“One of the biggest changes for me on the Cleanse is NO MORE CONGESTION. Before the Cleanse, I was literally addicted to Afrin. Since the Cleanse, I haven't needed it once. This result alone would have made the Cleanse worthwhile for me but I also experienced: increased energy, better focus, quicker and deeper sleep, improved skin, and I lost five pounds.

Regarding sleep, I relied on Ambien occasionally before the Cleanse (maybe a few times a week), but haven't touched it since the Cleanse started. I'm very happy about that! Regarding my skin, my husband remarked on my skin, saying I appeared to be glowing.

It was easier than I thought it would be to eliminate gluten, sugar, and dairy from my diet. I thought giving up caffeine in the morning would be a big problem, but it wasn't. I find that drinking the warm lemon water is all that I need.

During the Cleanse I had one of the busiest months work-wise that I've ever had. I was juggling a few different projects and had several big deliverables during the Cleanse. I know that if I was NOT on the Cleanse, I would have felt tired and run down and would really have struggled to stay focused and alert...and happy. Doing the Cleanse made me realize how much good energy I get from good food!

This Cleanse was a life changing event for me. I got so much out of it and really don't feel that I'll ever go back to processed foods, gluten, sugar, or dairy. Before the Cleanse, I questioned the whole "group thing" and thought I might not get into the group emails - but I loved them! It was so great to read about others' experiences and it was awesome feeling like I was a part of a team of cleansers.

Thank you so much for offering this Cleanse, Ellen. It was a pleasure getting to know you. You were a fantastic "coach" - and I look forward to future Cleanses!”

- Suzanne Morey

"Ellen's cleanses are ideal for me: they offer a broad range of nutritional wisdom, delicious recipes, and email and phone support that really help personalize the experience so that I can grow and experience my best self and let my food be my medicine.

I learned alot about health and nourishment on many levels, which affects the way I eat everyday, long after the cleanse has officially ended. I'm hooked."

- Cathryn Zommer

"Ellen, I just want to say thank you for being there and sharing your knowledge with all of us. You added structure I would not have had if I had done a cleanse alone.

I realized that the cleanse is quite easy if you prep your food ahead of time each week. You made it very easy to follow and were there to answer any concerns, which meant a lot! Your daily emails letting us know what to expect were great.

I found that when I eat the right foods I don't suffer with reflux or indigestion. And my food cravings got much better. It feels so good to eat right! I would definitely recommend this cleanse to anyone."

- Beth

Nutrition is not low-fat. It's not low-calorie. It's not being hungry and feeling deprived. It's nourshiing your body with real, whole foods so that you are consistently satisfied and energized to live life to the fullest. After all, isn't that what this life is about?

Why Do I Offer This Cleanse?

Over the past 15 years I have taken thousands of clients through my Seasonal Winter, Spring and Fall Cleanses. Each time I offer the cleanse, the experience is, without a doubt, one of my best reminders of the truth of the adage "Food is Medicine." I am consistently amazed at the results that my clients (and I) experience, which include:

I consistently see results in 21 days that it normally takes 3 or more months for my individual clients (who generally make changes more slowly) to experience. So, this is a wonderful opportunity to get great benefit more quickly and at a much lower cost.

Guaranteed: You will be lighter, in body and in spirit, as a result of the 21-day Cleanse.


Past Cleanse participants have this to say about their experience:

"For a long time I believed I knew so much about proper eating. Still the nagging truth was "If I know so much, why do I feel so worn out?” Only when I decided to turn myself over to a professional and follow their advice, rather than my own, did things really turn around for me. While I had a part of it, I simply did not possess the knowledge or ability to put together a comprehensive plan for myself.

Working with Ellen has been the best investment I've made and the dividends have been nothing short of miraculous.

Since the Fall Cleanse ended a week ago, I continue to notice new and different things about how I eat, feel and think. It was an amazing experience. My total weight loss was 9 pounds. A long-standing congestion in my sinus cavity has cleared out almost entirely. I've also had red lines on the whites of my eyes, which have been there a very long time & are perhaps a sign of congestion - they have lessened amazingly.

Ellen's guidance has been far more helpful than a slew of decent doctors and professionals, none of whom had much more to offer than mis-diagnosis or harsh drugs, some of which exacerbated an already poor situation. For over 15 years I've had bowel problems - at first they said it was IBS, a catch phrase for "we don't have a clue". Since I’ve improved my diet over the past 6 months, and especially during the recent Fall Cleanse, my bowels have started to normalize. Other things that improved were: lower levels of anxiety, profound clarity and concentration, stamina throughout the day and fabulous sleep.

I am sixty-two and am feeling better than I did at thirty. I love knowing that by learning about proper eating by working with Ellen, the younger folks out there will not only spare themselves unnecessary grief but will extend these teachings to friends, family and especially children."

- Matty Maccaro, Bethesda, MD

"I don’t drink caffeine often, so giving that up was the easiest part of the cleanse for me, but I know that is a terrifying thought for a lot of people. Once the headaches subside, you’ll find that it’s one of the best things you’ll do for yourself. After it was out of my system, I found that I truly stopped needing it to wakeup. In fact, I’m less tired in the morning now that I don’t rely on it at all.

The group emails were such a source of inspiration. One of the best things about those emails was the sharing of ideas regarding how to eat healthy when you’re living a busy life. I need to have something around in case I get hungry. If I get too hungry and have to cook something, I tend to start looking around for something quick and if there isn’t anything quick, I’m vulnerable to questionable choices. I learned a lot of tricks and my grocery shopping changed to include quick snacks – i.e. nuts, fruit, hummus/veggies, etc.

For anyone considering this cleanse, I would say, “Don’t be afraid of the green smoothies. They’re your friend!”

I have no hesitations in encouraging anyone to do this cleanse. Ellen is full of life-changing knowledge. There is nothing to lose and everything to gain. The idea of cleansing really does encompass everything about the body, inside and out. There is a feeling of clarity in the mind, a renewed energy within the body and an emerging confidence in having accomplished the task. No matter the reasons one has for feeling they can’t do it, there is most definitely a workable solution.”

- Christina, Maryland

"Having the structure of the group, and the progress reports of participants, all with different experiences, is very steadying. Also, I have been purely percolating with energy: my mind is much clearer (the effect I most longed for) and my energy level remains high, with the exception of two days so far.

I have lost that sludgy feeling that has vexed me for the past nine months or so, and five pounds as well. Though losing weight was not my primary goal in joining the cleanse, it is a lovely side effect. Thank you, Ellen, for taking the time to set this all up, and to keep tabs on everyone with such compassion and understanding."

- Hester Hemmerling, Indiana


"Though I generally eat a wholesome diet, giving up wheat, dairy, caffeine and alcohol for 21 days definitely seemed scary. But with Ellen's supportive emails and check-ins, as well as the support of the community she created through the Google group, the cleanse had less to do with what I was giving up and more to do with the revelations about food and the healthy habits I gained.

This cleanse got me thinking about food and nourishment in completely new ways. I realized I rely on food to fulfill all sorts of roles, from distraction to comfort to reward. And, as I read fellow cleanser's input on the listserve, I realized I wasn't alone. As the cleanse went on, I was inspired to seek out other ways to satisfy those needs, while gaining appreciation for the physical, psychological, social, and cultural power of food.”

- R. Kennedy, Maryland

"I have never done a cleanse before and started this adventure with a little trepidation. Surprise, surprise – it’s been wonderful! I’m nearing the end of Week 2 and feel fabulous. I sleep like a rock, feel calm and relaxed, yet have the energy, focus and motivation to do what I need to. Ellen is amazingly knowledgeable and compassionate, and answers all of our questions or concerns with wise advice. Also, it’s wonderful to do this with a group of other “adventurers”; the humor, diversity, creative ideas and caring support are invaluable. Two thumbs up!"

- Holly Cooney, Maine

"I am 51 years old and in pretty robust health. Of late, however, I had gotten too heavily into cheeses, bread, sugar and caffeine, some of which I attribute to menopause (sugar cravings, notably). At the same time, I was plagued by hot flashes, mood swings and poor mental clarity and acuity, as well as greater tightness in my hips and shoulders during yoga.

Having heard my housemate talk about stopping her chronic lower back pain by eliminating gluten and dairy, I decided to try Ellen's cleanse to see what would happen.

By the middle of the third day, I realized that I had had maybe one very minor hot flash where normally I would have had at least half a dozen, including in the middle of the night. Despite stopping my topical progesterone cream and black cohosh supplements, the flashes are gone, completely.

Even better, my mind and spirit are back to the higher focus, clarity and equilibrium I knew before menopause hit. This cleanse has been a true Godsend. Thank you, Ellen!”

- Marsha Johnston, Maryland

Special Pricing Available On This Cleanse

NOTE: If your PayPal address is not the same email address you normally check, PLEASE EMAIL ME SEPARATELY with your best email address so I can make sure to get the Cleanse materials to you!

Bring a Friend Discount

Bring a Friend Discount - It's so much fun to do a Cleanse with a friend! If you have done any Cleanse with me before and you bring a NEW Cleanser with you to the Cleanse, you will both receive more than $25 off the Cleanse price! Or, if you and your friend are BOTH NEW to the Cleanse (have never Cleansed with me before) you will both receive more than $25 off the Cleanse price! To take advantage of this discount, please register here, and then email me the name of the friend you will be registering with. You do not have to register at the same time, however it is preferable if you can register within 24-48 hours of each other.

Note: The Bring a Friend Discount does not apply if you and your friend have both cleansed with me before. It can only be used for a past cleanser and a new cleanser registering together, or two new cleansers registering together.

Please select appropriate payment below, depending on whether you've cleansed with me before. NOTE: If your PayPal address is not the same email address you normally check, PLEASE EMAIL ME SEPARATELY with your best email address so I can make sure to get the Cleanse materials to you!

Past Cleanser - $115

Powered by paypal

New Cleanser - Early Bird: $129

Powered by paypal

Past Cleanser - Bring a Friend: $89

Powered by paypal

New Cleanser - Bring a Friend: $119

Powered by paypal

If you are in the UK and want to pay with pounds, thus avoiding the exchange fees, please email me directly and I will get you my bank details to pay that way.

Special Scholarship Rates for this Cleanse. If you are experiencing financial hardship and need to pay a reduced rate for this Cleanse, please email Ellen.

Other Payment Options: I also accept payment via check if that's easier for you. If you'd prefer that option, simply EMAIL ME for further instruction. Additionally, all NEW CLIENTS will need to fill out a quick health survey, which I will email to you after registration. If you are in the UK and want to pay with pounds, thus avoiding the exchange fees, please email me directly and I will get you my bank details to pay that way.

Final Words

To anyone interested in a Cleanse with Ellen:

"In today's world absolutely everyone is trying to sell you something: on T.V., the radio, fliers on your car windshield, and even on the grocery store bulletin board. We are being bombarded.

We learn to make choices for what we want to participate in and what we want to spend time on.

I met Ellen three years ago. Her soft and gentle demeanor, her informed discussions on health, and her sincere entrepreneurial energy stayed with me. We have been following her website, an excellent source of down-right usable and well documented information. We reconnected this year and my husband and I decided to take the plunge.

Now mind you we are not new at all to this. Our weight is fine and where it should be. We are up on all the latest books and we have been eating healthy food for some 20 years. The painter asked, after looking at our shelving of glassed jar items...do you have a rabbit?

So my hesitation in doing the cleanse was because I wondered if Ellen offered anything new!

Turns out she certainly did, and this is what we learned:

  1. The materials offered were excellent and substantive. The recipe and health information sources were hand-picked with care. They were so useful!
  2. Each week of the cleanse was clearly explained so that all expectations were met.
  3. Every little detail was taken into consideration: travel, possible cravings to expect, reasons to give up coffee, milk , dairy and wheat, etc.
  4. It was explained how to reintegrate everything slowly back into your diet, in case you wanted to do that with some of the items. She wanted us to look for our reactions to the foods we had eliminated...Were we better off, did the aches disappear, etc?
  5. The fact that there were so many other people to be there for support made us all feel like family, caring for each other.
  6. Ellen was there for us every step of the way. Ellen's encouraging affirmative nature made the cleanse a joy to participate in. Ellen put the time into every single email she composed showing us that she really wanted us to have this experience be as life transforming and as wonderful for us as she has found it to be for herself.
  7. What she would gently advise would proved to be true! This built confidence in what she said and what we were all attempting to do...to feel better!

This experience has been life changing. I have decided that sugar is harmful, coffee is a jolt to the system, that wheat should be avoided and that fresh vegetables and fresh fruit is the way to go. We have lemon (with a straw so it does not strip the enamel off your teeth) and warm water every morning, fruit until lunch time, are big on salads and even have less red meat than we did before the cleanse. I eat chicken and fish because I work out and want to make sure I have enough protein to build muscle. And Ellen even addressed this concern.

So you can see we are in for the long haul. We want to remain vigorous into our maturing years and Ellen is my personal health trainer to help us do that.

Thank you, Ellen. We are two of your fans! Take the plunge and love yourself, by doing something good for yourself!"

- Laurie and Roger, Maryland

Looking forward to Cleansing with you! Cleanse begins January 13th, 2025, with pre-Cleanse support beginning Jan 6th, 2025

Ellen smelling a rose